Installation of membrane technology at the Grimaud (Var) wastewater treatment plant


July 10, 2019 Alain Benedetto, Mayor of Grimaud and Var Departmental Councillor, and Laurent Roulet, Saur’s Alpes Méditerranée Regional Director, officially commission membrane technology for the new Grimaud wastewater treatment plant.

The new wastewater treatment plant to be built on the site of the existing plant, in the Grand Pont business park in Grimaud, has been designed to meet the environmental preservation challenges set by the Grimaud town council, for the benefit of local residents and summer visitors alike. Protecting the natural environment is a top priority for Grim’Eau, a Saur Group company set up to manage the town’s collective wastewater treatment system. Thanks to innovations in treatment processes, the new plant will benefit in particular from :

– of the membrane solution, a state-of-the-art wastewater treatment technology to protect sensitive environments such as the Gulf of Saint Tropez and the Giscle River,
– The CarboPlus® process, exclusive to Saur, will make the Grimaud wastewater treatment plant the first on the Mediterranean coast to treat micropollutants.

Perfectly integrated into its environment thanks to specific landscaping, the new resort will take into account strong commitments in terms of sustainable development with :

– energy optimization (heat recovery and energy-efficient equipment),
– installation of photovoltaic panels,
– reuse of treated water to preserve water resources, an option that is currently the subject of a feasibility study,
– a 1st carbon footprint in 2020,
– preserving flora and fauna: Hermann’s turtles, lizards, bats, beehives, Zero-phyto vegetation on roofs.

The work has been phased until the end of summer 2020, when the new Grimaud wastewater treatment plant will be completed, to ensure continuity of sanitation service. It is being carried out by Stereau, a subsidiary of the Saur group, in conjunction with partner companies.

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