For people

Providing a safe and stimulating work environment

Work conditions are at the core of our strategy, with an unwavering commitment to the health and safety of our employees and a strong desire to offer everyone a framework to express their potential while respecting diversity.

Preserving the health and safety of employees is an absolute priority for Stereau, which implements a rigorous risk prevention policy, recognized by the MASE certification. The company’s management is strongly involved in workplace safety and prevention, making it a central topic in their managerial communication to ensure everyone remains vigilant.

Beyond management, all teams at Stereau are committed to the goal of “zero accidents,” including our subcontractors.

Developing and transmitting our skills. We are committed to enhancing and sharing the excellence of our expertise, prioritizing the training of our employees throughout their professional journey. Internships and apprenticeships are favored in all fields of Stereau to provide young graduates with diverse and enriching professional experiences.

In collaboration with our partners and service providers, we also support the professional integration of individuals distant from the job market by offering insertion hours on our construction sites.

Gender equality: a firm commitment. At Stereau, we believe that harnessing talents and resources in all their diversity, working as a team, and embracing cross-functionality are sources of progress and new ideas.

As a legacy of a traditionally male-dominated industry, achieving a more balanced gender representation within our workforce remains a real challenge. This requires taking proactive steps, including early interventions to address educational and career choices.

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