Designing drinking water treatment facilities
Providing access to safe and sufficient drinking water for all is at the core of our offerings. Stereau combines its expertise with that of its partners and stakeholders to design sustainable, efficient, and resilient drinking water treatment facilities.
The design process for each water treatment plant involves a comprehensive approach that takes into account
the quality and quantity requirements of the communities, as well as their environmental
and architectural considerations.

- You aim to have a high-performance water treatment facility that ensures consistent production of water that meets regulatory requirements and your quality expectations, while keeping costs under control.
- You seek to enhance your existing plants to optimize the quality of your drinking water, achieve water and energy savings, and address the issue of micropollutants.
Stereau delivers sustainable and high-performing solutions throughout the entire cycle of drinking water, focusing on the following aspects for each project:
- Guaranteeing treatment performance
- Optimising plan operations
- Facilitating the operation of the facilities
- Optimizing investment and operating costs
- Saving water, chemicals and energy
- Protecting the environment from carbon emissions

CarboPlus®, at the forefront of micropollutant removal
To eliminate micropollutants in drinking water treatment plants and eradicate any long-term health risks, Stereau offers the CarboPlus® process.
This patented treatment process, developed by Stereau, has proven its effectiveness in numerous drinking water production plants in France and Europe.
Easily installed in existing water treatment plants, compact, energy-efficient, and requiring minimal reagents, CarboPlus® removes a wide range of micropollutants including pesticides, plasticizers, phthalates, pharmaceutical residues, and chemicals. It adsorbs these pollutants onto a continuously renewed fluidized bed of activated carbon.
Its key advantages include consistent efficiency and a high contact time between water and activated carbon. The micropollutants are trapped in the activated carbon and destroyed during its regeneration through high-temperature combustion. No concentrate is discharged into the natural environment.
Economically viable, CarboPlus® can be easily integrated into new or existing drinking water production plants. Positioned upstream of the final filtration stage, CarboPlus® consumes minimal energy and requires few or no reagents. It is flexible and compatible with a wide range of activated carbons.
To meet the specific needs of local communities, Stereau has developed new technical combinations of the CarboPlus® process: CarboPlus® powder or microgranules, available in fixed, modular, or mobile versions. Each technology has its own application depending on the characteristics of the water to be treated.
In the microgranule form, it is possible to separate the carbon particles from the rest of the sludge, recover and regenerate them. The captured pesticide molecules and undesirable by-products are destroyed during high-temperature combustion regeneration. The regenerated carbon is then reused in the installation, creating a continuous recycling loop.
Focus on three key solutions in drinking water

Developed to meet the operational constraints of challenging-to-treat waters such as waters from lakes or reservoirs that are highly eutrophic and chronically polluted with pesticides, CARBOFLUX® continuously absorbs, without the need for operational intervention, all peaks of pesticides or other soluble absorbable pollutants.

Process for reducing the calcium hardness of water, economical and compact, acting on the calcium-carbonate balance of water.

The ultrafiltration membrane water treatment process provides unparalleled treatment quality and sanitary safety. The final treatment stage, ultrafiltration, is integrated into a comprehensive treatment process tailored to the characteristics of the water source.