Pont Querra (Côtes-d’Armor)

Pont Querra: ensuring sustainable drinking water supply in Côtes-d'Armor

To improve the performance of its drinking water treatment plant and ensure water supply for the Côtes-d’Armor department, the Syndicat d’eau du Lié has entrusted Stereau with the expansion works of the Pont Querra plant located in the municipality of Plémet. With a treatment capacity of 600 m³/h, the new facility ensures high-quality drinking water treatment by relying on innovative technologies.

Pont-Querra drinking water production plant (Plemet - Côtes-d'Armor).

The challenges

  • To secure the supply of drinking water for the Côtes-d’Armor department
  • To enhance the resilience of the territory to climate change and drought phenomena
  • To anticipate regulations on micropollutant treatment
  • To improve water storage capacity on-site and reduce water losses in the process
  • To implement water decarbonation
  • To integrate the structure into its natural environment

Our solutions

To meet the high expectations of the Water Syndicate of Lié, Stereau has implemented reliable, cost-effective, and suitable technical processes at the Pont Querra drinking water production plant to enable the distribution of impeccable quality water.

The treatment capacity of the plant has been increased to 600 m3 per hour. The existing wastewater treatment system has been optimized and brought into compliance. Likewise, the supply of treated water has been secured through increased storage capacity on-site. The construction of a new pumping station ensures a higher volume of treated water and a broader autonomy.

One of the strengths of this facility is the use of Stereau’s patented CarboPlus® microgranules process for the removal of micropollutants. This physical barrier ensures a very high-quality water, free from pesticides and pharmaceutical residues. An additional step to ensure water disinfection has been implemented through an ultraviolet reactor that eliminates parasites and viruses.

These new works have allowed for a rethinking of the overall site organization to enable simple and safe operation, with the physical separation of different functionalities, roadways providing access to all structures, and easy handling of structures and equipment.


  • A very high-quality drinking water thanks to a treatment process using activated carbon micrograins
  • A reduction in water losses in the process
  • A reliable and easy-to-operate installation
  • An architectural and landscape integration that enhances the site
"The CarboPlus® microgranules ensure an overall reduction of 80% for the 30 main micropollutant molecules."
A capacity of
m3 of treated water stored on site
Micrograin activated carbon

Other achievements

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