Live from the methanization unit at the Saint-Thibault-des-Vignes wastewater treatment plant (Seine-et-Marne)


Construction of the methanization unit at the Saint-Thibault-des-Vignes wastewater treatment plant (Seine-et-Marne)

The construction site for the biogas production unit at the Saint-Thibault-des-Vignes wastewater treatment plant (Seine-et-Marne) has already been in full swing for 89 days. The first digester has been completed. Now it’s time to move on to its twin, where formwork can begin. The two structures stand out for their sheer size: almost 18 m high and 18 m in diameter, each with a usable capacity of 3,900 m3!

A special feature of this project was the use of slipforming. Choisie pour sa rapidité d’exécution, cette technique, qui consiste à couler du béton en continu depuis la base de l’édifice jusqu’au sommet, a permis de monter les voiles du premier digesteur en 6 jours seulement, au lieu de 6 semaines avec des méthodes plus traditionnelles.

The main aim of this project, which involves the creation of a methanization unit at the wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 350,000 population equivalents, is to build two digesters to produce biomethane. On this site, 6,700 tonnes of sludge and grease will be recycled each year in the two digesters, providing decarbonated energy for 4,000 households in the territory of the Syndicat intercommunal d’assainissement de Marne-la-Vallée – SIAM.

20 months to go before the 1st cubic meter of biomethane is injected into the GRDF network.

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