Orly 2: micropollutant-free drinking water for Paris


Orly2 drinking water plant (Val-de-Marne) - Stereau for Eau de Paris

In 2018, Eau de Paris, France’s leading public water company, commissioned Stereau, a subsidiary of Saur, to modernize the Orly (Val-de-Marne) drinking water production plant and equip it with a new treatment process, independent of the current one, capable of eliminating micropollutants.

The Orly drinking water production plant is an essential link in the supply of drinking water to the capital, particularly in view of changing needs (population density) and changing resources (quality, adaptation to climate change). The plant, which treats water taken from the Seine, can produce between 90,000 and 300,000 m3/day of drinking water, depending on demand.

Sized to produce 150,000 m3/day of drinking water, the new treatment process at the Orly 2 plant, designed and built by Stereau, secures the supply of high-quality water to almost 800,000 Parisians, and enables emergency water supplies to neighboring distributors in the event of a crisis.

The plant uses the Saur group’s patented Carboplus® process for treating emerging pollutants. This proven technology is able to remove a broad spectrum of micropollutants, including drug residues. It also offers the best cost/benefit ratio in the operating phase. CarboPlus® reactors with continuous carbon renewal improve micropollutant removal efficiency.

Eau de Paris appreciated the fact that CarboPlus® was exemplary in two key respects:

  • energy efficiency of the plant by reducing energy and reagent consumption, and cutting greenhouse gas emissions;;
    the circular economy, thanks to the use of regenerable micro-grain activated carbon that produces no waste.
  • Entirely built using BIM (Building Information Modeling), the project was awarded the 2022 BIM d’Argent by Le Moniteur and Les Cahiers Techniques du Bâtiment, in the “Projects over 30,000 m² in renovation” category.
"The CarboPlus® process is at the heart of Stereau's technical offering for the treatment of micropollutants."
CarboPlus® micropollutant treatment at the Orly drinking water production plant (Val-de-Marne, France)
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